Monday, November 24, 2014


Readability and Leveling

Readabiliy according to Fry's article is, "the ease of comprehension because of style of writing." Where as leveling is, "selecting books to match the competencies of a reader or writer."  Both are used in classroom and have different interpretations based on what you are using them for in the classroom.  Books that are used in a classroom are ranked based on difficulty and the higher the number the more difficult it is.  Typically the number that it is given it directed to the grade level in which it fits into.  But nowadays this ranked grade level reading is something that can't be used because of the diversity that is in a classroom.  There are many things that goes into scoring the readings but there are two main ones.  One is Syntactic difficulty which is determined by the sentence length and semantic difficulty which is length and frequency of the words that are in the book.  Both of these can be done by hand or by computer.  Most of the time you can google a book and the Readability score will be there.  Leveling has other components that can only be done by hand.   Those categories are; Content, Illustrations, Length, Curriculum, Language Structure, Judgement and Format.  All of these things are looked at by a book by book basis and are taken in to thought when scoring the book.  

Readability and Leveling do not necessarily cover the same things.  Leveling is typically not used outside of an Elementary School Classroom.  Where Readability since done by strict formula can be used in other things besides a school setting.  It is important to make sure that the child is reading something that is in the level because if it is not they will become frustrated and it will be difficult for them to read.  An assessment of their level before, during and after the year is something that is very important.  This way you can see how the child is learning and where they have come from.  Once you have assessed them they will be able to pick stories and readings out of the classroom library that will suit their level and their interest needs.  

A way that a child can make sure they are reading on their level is by organizing your classroom  library by level.  This can ensure that they are able to know exactly which books they are going to b able to read and will no become frustrated with books that they are not going to be able to read.  


1. How important do you think it is to have your library set up in a level based system? Do you think it would be harmful or hurtful to their learning?
2. Do you remember reading leveling when you were in elementary school or was it something that was just understood?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Guided Reading Group Presentation

What is guided reading?
  • Interactions between students and teachers and students and other students
  • Widens reading ability 
  • Involves observations and interactions
  • Traditionally seen in groups or circle
What is the main purpose?
  • To increase vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension
  • Allows for interactions between peers and teachers 
  • Allow for differences in reading skills         
How can guided reading be helpful for students?
  • Talk out loud about a book
  • Create new thoughts about literacy
What does it look like? 
  • Diagrams
  • Teacher participation 

QUESTION: What is a concrete definition for Guided Reading? What are some ways to check for student participation without calling them out?

By:  Tracy, Erica, Casey, and Beth
Guided Reading

My article:

This article starts with talking about practice and how it is the best way to increase reading fluency.  By giving the opportunity to students to practice their reading they are going to learn and continue to grow in their reading.  It those goes into guided reading practices.  It says that this practice is one of the most common ways that reading is taught in the classroom.  It involves having students take turns reading passages or sentences aloud and having the teacher their to guide the reading and help if needed.  The oral aspect of this reading is very helpful not only to the child reading but the children that are also observing them read.  Although this is helpful for average and higher level readers it is often hard for low level readers.  Since they are going to read in a slow or inaccurate matter there isn't much time in this type of lesson to help them with their reading.   Because of their slow nature they are more likely to read less words which in the long run allows them to have less practice.

A way that teachers can supplement that is by giving weekly assigned readings.  That way a student has to perfect that specific reading in order to move onto the next reading.  This is better than the alternative of having the child read a different passage every day and not being able to master them.  This also helps them master specific decoding skills that they need to read texts more fluently and to be able to comprehend the texts that they read.  There are some studies that show  that although this is a method that can be done it doesn't always work on every reader or with every story.  Although it is beneficial to read things repeatedly it may not help the reader unless there are similar words in the next reading.  That being said though if the books have sight words in them then it would be helpful because rereading those and getting to know them will be beneficial to them.

I think that students can learn a lot from listening to one another and by having the teacher there to help guide them through the reading.  I think that having a reading table can really help your classroom with guided reading because you can take those that are reading the same book and bring them to you to be able to do read aloud. By having a smaller group it allows those who aren't reading as well to not be embarrassed by a large number of people.  This can also help figure out who those lower readers are because sometimes they get lost in a large group and this can help you give them the more specialized attention that they need.  
This is a worksheet that I have used in the classroom to help with Guided Reading.  

This is a book that I have and it gives great advice and such about how to incorporate guided reading in the classroom.

1) Did your teachers ever incorporate Guided Reading in the classroom? If so how did they do it?

2) Do you think that Repeated Reading is helpful or detrimental to students that are struggling with reading?

Monday, November 10, 2014


Even though the world is becoming more visual based and less communication face to face based it is still super important to be able to communicate and understand what people are saying. There is a growing need to improve students vocabulary.  More and more students are struggling with vocabulary and the level that they need to be at is something that many of them find unachievable. Even if they are able to understand certain words or vocabulary there are different levels of knowing it.  Also every student is different so some may know more than others.  One of the hardest aspects of teaching is trying to teach many students that are all on different levels.

Vocabulary is something that we all know is very important and also somewhat antiquated.  For something that is so important you would think that we would have evolved a more modern to teach it to children.  In the Dalton article they talk about using eVoc which is technology based system that allows teachers to develop vocabulary for students.  It is important to include technology in the classroom because it is something that is in most every aspect of life nowadays.  The article offers many different ways to incorporate technology into vocabulary lessons.  With these several of these lessons, computers for every student is not required, which we know is something that rarely happens in a classroom.  These strategies also include several aspects such as including ways to connect to all types of learners.  One of the activities is a word cloud.  It includes words that go along with the vocabulary word and you are able to determine how the words go with the main word. It is important to not just do the same old vocabulary lessons.  By including different activities the students will be able to remember the words better and enjoy learning vocabulary.

Example of a Word Cloud:
As teachers the students are going to model what we do.  It is important to know that and remember that.  If we use their vocabulary words then it will help them remember them and use them.  One example the Lane article gave was during morning meeting.  My using vocab words to describe the weather they will also use them.  By using words like "rather brisk" or partly cloudy rather than words like clouds or cold they can expand their vocabulary by repetition and seeing you use them to describe the weather.  


Do you think that incorporating technology in vocabulary lessons is important for this generation of students?

How do yo think that technology can be sued in the classroom?

Sunday, November 2, 2014


This is something that is very important to the development of a child and it also helps their comprehension.  Not only does it help their development but they will need vocabulary to be successful in life and to be a vital part in society. By learning vocabulary they will become better learners.  They can learn these vocabulary words in school and in their daily lives.  The more they interact the more they will know and be able to understand.

I think that the most important thing to do to build a child's vocabulary is by allowing them to be exposed to a wide variety of vocabulary.  The more they are exposed to the better.  School will become easier and so will reading if they know a lot and are constantly reminded of it.  Repetition is the key to success and learning. I think that the traditional ways that we teach vocabulary is also important because it is repetitive and allows them to hear it over and over so they know what it is.  This diagram below is something that I used in a classroom and this allowed them to be able to know what the word means, how to use it and how to visualize it.  By the end of the exercise they really know what it is and how it is beneficial to to know these words.
By knowing vocabulary it can also help their confidence in speaking.  The more they are able to recognize and know they more they are going to be involved in learning and conversations.  Boosting their confidence is super important because it will allow them to be able to be active learners and want to learn more about it.  


1. What are some other ways that you have seen vocabulary taught in the classroom?

2. Why do you think about the importance of vocabulary?