Monday, September 15, 2014


    Literacy is something that affects a person throughout their whole life.  If a child does not have a good literacy learning experience it can really negatively effect them for the rest of their life.  Both the book and the article show; children who are exposed to reading and literacy at a young age tend to do better and are more knowledgeable about their reading and school work than those that are not as exposed to it at a young age.

   I really find that to be true.  In my experiences in the classroom it is obvious which kids are getting that added reinforcement at home and who isn't.  It is also noticeable who has been exposed to reading and writing at home before it was a necessity.  While it is easy to work with those kids who were exposed prior it is very important to help those as well who weren't as lucky to be exposed to reading and writing at a young age because they might need more help since they have to start from the beginning.  I think that more parents should take the initiative to read to their child starting at a young age. Exposing a child to reading can be something that is really easy to do.  Just by reading to them at night or letting them watch you read in every day situations can help then when it comes time to really start reading.  If more parents took that initiative then reading and writing would be easier for children when they start school.  That time can already be so overwhelming and having to do work in front of other peers can be intimidating.  By helping them before hand it can really improve their confidence which is something that the book also states and suggests as well.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! Parents build the foundation for literacy. They have such an impact in a children's life when in comes to reading. Unfortunately, too many parents do not stress the importance of literacy to their children at a young age. Something I want to do when I have children is read to them even from the time they are in womb. I believe that this would truly make a difference!
