Monday, October 13, 2014

Word Study

       I completely agree with the article that knowledge of words is very much related to comprehension.  If you didn't know the words that you were reading then it would be nearly impossible to comprehend what was on the page.  It is also vital to your overall abilities in school and life.  I also agree that it should not be restricted to one time.  You should be learning it throughout the day and it should be incorporated with every subject that is taught. By allowing them to hear these words they can find out so much more about a word.  They can tell the connotation behind it and how it is used in everyday life.  That is sometimes more influential than just reading it in a book because you may not get those cues. Like the article states a child doesn't need to know every word perfectly but having a basic knowledge of some words and knowing others that are more important very well can really help a child early on in the educational system.  Another thing that can help a study is knowing prefixes and suffixes so they can breakdown and decode a word rather than trying to look at it all at once.

Some ways to help a child remember words can be by acting it out or asking them where they might see this word.  The child will be able to remember it more easily because the action will stick out in their mind.  We did this in a classroom that I was in and the children were really involved and loved being able to be active in class while learning.  

1. What are some other ways that you have seen Word Study Practiced in the Classroom

2. Do you think the generic word study notebooks are enough to help a student learn or do you think that they are just busy work?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think word study notebooks can be helpful in some ways, but only if they are paired with other methods of practice. Otherwise, they tend to just be busy work that students don't really learn anything from!
